About Me
(in about 551 words)
Hi! Nice to meet you I'm Charles. I am someone who is passionate about storytelling, understanding, product development, and learning. In the future I hope to develop myself and help others along the way!
As a child, I grew up adoring many of the great silicon valley tech founders (Tony Hsieh, Brian Chesky, Evan Spiegel, Peter Thiel, Johns & Patrick Collison, and Sam Altman). To be honest, at first, I may have been drawn to the glitz and glamour that these founders had. But my reason for being interested in them quickly changed as I started to read and watch hours of their lectures and talks done at Techcrunch, Stanford, and YC. As I learned more about them, I grew more to love their abilities to create and change the world around them more than anything else.
I was a lazy child. I never really did anything out of my way to create and build the things I was passionate about. It sometimes haunts me sometimes that I never acted on my passion for creation but now as a young adult I won't let my laziness or fears stop me from acting on my passions.
I am an aspiring founder, software engineer, product manager hoping to create a difference.
- I grew up in Northville, Michigan, a suburb of Detriot (Go lions!)
- I love the sun
- I rediscovered my love for products and development at a 3 day techstars startup event my sophomore year of college
- I love going to hackathons and trying to make stuff even if it fails (cough cough* free company swag and meeting cool people *cough cough)
- I grew up playing tennis so I'm a litte competitive
- I am allergic to cats
- I have read the Percy Jackson series over 5 times
- When I was a freshman in highschool I used a 20 visa-prepaid card to buy a year long subscription to Entrepreneur Magazine (I only read the first 2 issues and skimed the rest)
Ask me anything in person I would love to share stories!
- As a Gen Z I was raised on the internet here of some of my favorite youtubers and or websites!! (Nathaniel Drew , Matt D'Avella, Ali Abdaal, Ben Awad, Elliot Choy, TechLead)
I like and do in my free time
- Running
- Writing
- Start-ups
- Books (goodreads)
- Reading
- Podcasts (The GaryVee Audio Experience, Reply All, Startup Podcast, The Pitch and others)
- Good design
- Photography
- Youtube(Nathaniel Drew, Matt D'Avella, Ali Abdaal, Ben Awad)
- Games (Valorant, Overwatch, Apex Legends and more)
- Tiktok(Yes, Yes I do waste some time on here but there are some great Software and Product Manager learning opportunties on Tiktok, Cherie Luo Productgal)
Fun facts
- My favorite book I read in 2020 was "The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter--And How to Make the Most of Them Now"
- I want to think about thinking more, Metacognition, books allow me to do this sometimes.
- I love thrifting for clothes, it feels great to find hidden gems
- I want to one day run the Iron Man Triathalon
I dream of
- exploring the world
- learning how to communicate better
- meeting new people
- (I know this is corny) Changing the world